Pay-per-use Model

Freepik API offers a transparent and simple pricing model with no upfront payments or commitments. You only pay for what you use at the end of each month.

  • Get started for free with 5 EUR of initial credits (limited access to AI tools and premium stock content)
  • Upgrade and start building at any time
  • Access all AI tools and Freepik’s library of +250M premium resources
  • Manage your budget from the dashboard (up to €5000)
  • Billed at the end of each month

Service Pricing

Here’s a breakdown of the cost per service and their availability in trial and premium plans:

ServicePrice per UseTrialPremium
AI Image Generation - Mystic 2K Resolution€0.10-
AI Image Generation - Mystic 4K Resolution€0.32-
AI Image Generation - Classic Fast Mode€0.004
Stock Content - Searches and Detail of Content€0.002
Stock Content - Images and Templates Licensing€0.04
Stock Content - Icons Licensing€0.01

✓ - Included, - Not included

Magnific Upscaler Service Pricing

The price is determined by how large your final image will be and the upscale factor selected - starting with a bigger image or choosing a higher upscale factor will result in a larger final image, which takes longer to process.

Some examples:

Input SizeOutput SizeUpscale FactorPrice

High-Volume Usage

For high-volume users, Freepik offers tailored solutions:

  • Custom rate limits and rates
  • Volume pricing discounts
  • Dedicated support
  • Flexible payment options
  • Ability to consume more than €5000 monthly via API

If you need a high-volume solution, please contact the Freepik sales team.

Usage Control and Billing

  • Set a monthly budget in the Billing section of your dashboard
  • Track your API usage through the usage tracking dashboard
  • Bills are generated on the 5th of the following month

For any questions or custom pricing needs, don’t hesitate to contact the Freepik team or join our Discord community.